This video will Show how an extremely rich set of organisations, richer than many countries, are manipulating global organisations in order to implement Globalist strategies.
It will show how these Globalists strategies are effectively, and currently, transferring wealth from the treasuries of nations into the revenue streams of private corporations.
It will demonstrate how the Globalists use a generic method to implement their strategies.
It will demonstrate in detail, how this method is being used to implement measures associated with Climate Change and the Covid-19 Pandemic.
It also demonstrates the WEF is a puppet organisation established by the leaders of Globalism and the NWO. Its leader Klaus Schwab was groomed and appointed to do as he is told.
Was the downfall of President Assad of Syria carefully organised by factions that stand to gain? What is the connection with the Hamas attack on Israel 7 October 2023?
Apologies to all for not posting for a while. A great deal of effort has gone into preparing our latest video which will contain great detail and will be quite long. There is still some work to do but hopefully this trailer will whet your appetite.
It has taken a while to produce this latest video as it will be over one hour in duration and contains much very detailed analysis.
It examines average temperature trends around the globe.
The analysis leads to the question "Could it be that the very Concept of a Global Average Temperature is significantly Flawed, lacks Meaning, is Misleading, and needs to be Re-evaluated?"
The answer to that question is strongly backed by the very latest data.
This video predicted in May 2022 the transfer of wealth not to the Ukraine but to the military industrial complex.
Goodbye Afghanistan, Hello Ukraine.
This community has not posted a video for a while. Since the community started the knowledge of the World Economic Forum's strategies and influence over the United Nations, WHO and our national democratic governments has spread widely over the internet. Much the same applies to the subject of Climate Change. This community will therefore pause video releases on these subjects for a few more months. In the meantime, we will pursue scientific subjects and will start with a fairly comprehensive explanation of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity especially as it relates to Time Dilation. Thank you for your understanding and support.